
Avis Regionale Lombardia has provided the provision of Training in Continuous Medical Education since 2011, as the only Avis office with an accreditation. Avis Presents itself as a training partner of all Avis branches in the area, both national office and regionals. The utmost experience developed along the years of commitment, allowed us to improve our role and promote for the ECM trainings not only as a mean of update for the staffs of our social institutions, but also as a method of promotion for an active association that is focused enough on the scientific and health fields, protecting the health rights of the donor and the receiver. In the section below, you may check the full calendar of conferences organized during 2020 by Avis Regionale Lombardia both independently and in partnership with the other offices.

ECM courses

ECM courses speakers’

In this section you may download the c.v. integrals of the lecturers who spoke during the E.C.M. organized by Avis Regionale Lombardia

ECM courses speakers’

In this section you may download the c.v. integrals of the lecturers who spoke during the E.C.M. organized by Avis Regionale Lombardia

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