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Training in all its forms is very crucial to enhance the motivational requirements, relations, communications and techniques, also in order to have us filled with changes of realities that immerge managing them with a set of appropriate equivalent skills.
Consequently, training and formative workshops represent one of our “war-ships”, as a matter of fact, since 2008; Avis Regionale Lombardia certifies its training activities by keeping the system updated; we have made the transition from the ISO – 9001 2015 system, updating the Quality Organism, procedures and management of activities to meet up the new standards.
Avis Regionale Lombardia organizes in the entire region courses, seminars, conferences and meetings all revolving around the same net of associations, to reinforce the structure of interior competences that are forwarded to the public promoting blood donation, solidarity and active citizenship.
Given the fact that training is a very strategic element, Avis Regional Lombardia has decided to form a high-level training center of Avis, taking into consideration the fact that our association due to the complexity that characterizes it, it is fundamental to have boards consisting of members who are able to govern daily missions and activities interpreting the reality that surrounds it. AvisAcademy 2.0 has represented a high-value course, distinguished by seminars and wokshops open to a wide audience of administrators, aimed at other young managers or aspiring directors.
Maintain the growth of youth regarding the commitment for social work through experimentations and ongoing training opportunities.
Activate permanent training processes for young active members.
Facing the issue of the weak participation of the members by creating new innovative experiences and initiatives.
Maintain the growth of youth regarding the commitment for social work through experimentations and ongoing training opportunities.
Activate permanent training processes for young active members.
Facing the issue of the weak participation of the members by creating new innovative experiences and initiatives.
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Associazione di Volontariato – ODV
L.go Volontari del Sangue, 1 – 20133 Milano (MI)
Tel. 02 266.66.56 – Fax 02 266.78.18
Codice Fiscale: 97124290152
Iscrizione Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo settore (RUNTS)
con decreto dirigenziale Raccolta generale n. 9488 del 22/12/2022
avis.lombardia@avis.it – avislombardia@pec.it
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