Donation requirements’

You may become a blood and its components donor of Avis if:

You are between
18 and 60 Years old*

You are generally
in a good health

You weight
at least 50KG

*anyone wishing to become a blood donor for the first time after the age of 60 can be accepted at the approval of the doctor responsible for the selection. You may continue to donate up to the age of 65 and up to 70th years old after having your health examined by a specialist.

How to become a blood donor in Avis

Book your eligibility visit

Search for your closest transfusion center and book your first eligibility visit.

Come to the visit with an empty stomach, bring your identity card and tax code

In this first meeting your details will be inserted in the bank of the transfusion system. The doctor in Avis will guide you through filling out an anamnestic questionnaire. A small blood sample of you will be taken in this visit for the tests to verify your eligibility to donate.


You will be notified of the result of your eligibility visit within the times communicated in the first meeting. If the exams adhere to the eligibility terms, you may start donating!

Book your blood, plasma or other blood components’ donation

The sampling is carried out by qualified and trained health staff. The procedure for the collection is simple and harmless, the material used is disposable and ensures absolute safety for the donor and the receiver.

After your donation

Post-sampling you will be offered a breakfast. And Remember that if you are an employee you are entitled to a paid day off.

Where to donate

Hospitals and transfusion units

Donations are held upon reservation at transfusion facilities of the hospitals or at the transfusion units managed by the associations.

To become a donor, contact the urban office closest to you.

Where to donate

Hospitals and transfusion units

Donations are held upon reservation at the transfusion facilities of the hospitals or at the transfusion units managed by the associations.

To become a donor, contact the urban office closest to you.

Would you like to become a donor?

After filling the form bellow, you will receive a call regarding your eligibility visit!

Donating blood or plasma is e beneficial sacrifice either for you or for others: check your health and allow the survival and care of those suffering from serious illnesses. Once you fill the form, you will be contacted by your closest unit of Avis to schedul your visit and the necessary tests for becoming a donor of blood or plasma. Best wishes and thank you for having thought of us!

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