Home > ESC Volunteering Opportunity – URGENT CALL
ESC Volunteering Opportunity – URGENT CALL
Hosting Organization: Avis Regionale Lombardia
Country: Milano , Italy
Period: 8 months
N° of Volunteers needed : 1
Date of start : 14 April 2024
What does the organization offer:
Food money
Health Insurance
Pocket money
Travel expanses
PS: the organization also offers the opportunity of participating in trainings and courses of different field
The “ideal” candidate for this project is a male/female strongly interested in representing values of active solidarity, volunteering and participation in active citizenship. A person who, through the choice of intense and continuous voluntary experience, intends to strengthen their skills, broaden their cultural horizons, and build an identity of a citizen who “thinks globally and acts locally”. Furthermore, they share the values of volunteering and social work, someone who believes in promoting a society based on solidarity, shared responsibility, mutual support and mutual understanding.
Join us for an exquisite personal and professional experience!
Send your CV and Motivational Letter to : sve.scn@avis.it
Associazione di Volontariato – ODV
L.go Volontari del Sangue, 1 – 20133 Milano (MI)
Tel. 02 266.66.56 – Fax 02 266.78.18
Codice Fiscale: 97124290152
Iscrizione Registro Unico Nazionale del Terzo settore (RUNTS)
con decreto dirigenziale Raccolta generale n. 9488 del 22/12/2022
avis.lombardia@avis.it – avislombardia@pec.it
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