Home > Blog volontari > Sunday in Coccaglio
Ciao a tutti! On Sunday, November 21th, me and Saida visited Avis Coccaglio, the town celebtrated its patronal feast of saints Maurizio and Giacinto. Amazing event, a lot of organizations working in Coccaglio were present, I’ve met many fantastic activists and donors. Paolo and Elena from Avis Coccaglio welcomed us very generously, we had opportunity to try regional food and to learn about Coccaglio’s history and their citizens.
Regards, Ania
Ciao a tutti! On Sunday, November 21th, me and Saida visited Avis Coccaglio, the town celebtrated its patronal feast of saints Maurizio and Giacinto. Amazing event, a lot of organizations working in Coccaglio were present, I’ve met many fantastic activists and donors. Paolo and Elena from Avis Coccaglio welcomed us very generously, we had opportunity to try regional food and to learn about Coccaglio’s history and their citizens.
Regards, Ania
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con decreto dirigenziale Raccolta generale n. 9488 del 22/12/2022
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