
Hello, my name is Labes Diana Cristina,I am from Romania, I have 25 years and I am an volunteer on Avis Regionale Lombardia Italy.

Why Italy? Why Avis? Why volunteer? Waaaaaait, we will have time to talk about this! But first I need to tell you, from my family,  wich is formed by one DAD one MOM, 3 CHILDREN, 2 CATS and 2 DOGS, im the second one who made part of this program! My big sister Alexandra was involved in the same project in 2016, so now you can understand better why im here! Hope in the future also my little sister to have the same experience because with my hand on my heart I can tell you this will change all your life.

I share the apartment with an volunteer from Spain, Antonio Aracil Delgado, he is an nice boy, the same age like me! He is an great persone, he help me so much because he speak italian an I don’t! I just understand but not speaking, for the moment! Hope we will be very good friends and we will have great memories togheter on this year here, in Italy….and I m sure we will have…..

Why Italy? For me Italy is the most beautiful country that I ever visited, and believe me I visited a loooooot. For sure all the countries are beautiful and unique and fall in love with them but Italy has something that I can’t explain in words, everywhere where you go or where you look it’s something that make you say “ Che bellllllo”, I found so many types of arhitecthure so many museums, the history is everywhere! Now let’s go to the serious part….THE GORGEOUS FOOD OF ITALY wich for me it is fantastic, pizza, focaccia, mozzarela, parmesano, pastas, gelato and the list can continueeeee and my killos for sure!

Why Avis? I know about AVIS because of my sister, as I told you she was the firs member of our family who joined to this big family, and when I say family believe me its for real. When I must to choose an organization to do my volunteer work, for sure I wanted AVIS, and I did it, look at me now, im here, with them, with my family from Italy, with people with big hearts! In the office I meet Laura, wich is an amazing woman with an very strong character! Andrea, wich is the” man with the money”, or the accountant of the office, he help us very much, he is all the time with an smile on his face wich is great! Danila, my tutor, my friend, with her we work and we do a great team! I feel her very near to me, for that I assume to call her MY FRIEND! She is amazing and a very selective woman, just love it! Daniela, the secretary its that kind of woman with an beautiful voice and all the time she is speaking nice and she smile, she has an good energy and she just share it to us with an simple smile. I can’t forgive Luigi and Elio, for sure not! Luigi is an old man with an young heart, he was the one who help us when we moved to the new apartment, also he give us 3 paints for our new home! Grazie Luigi!!!!!!!!  Elio is the vice-president and I compare him with my father, full of energy, making jokes all the time and he just loves to eat!  He preperd for us the dinner in one Sunday! Well, I just must to say, I m little, 1,55 m and skinny,or for Elio SUPER SKINNY soooooo on one Sunday Elio invited at his home, we accepted, for sure… first Apperitivo, second soup ( for me was enough) , after soup, pastas,delicious pastas with tomatos from Elio garden. I was thinking was the last meal, because I was FULL. When we finished to eat the pastas, surprise, Elio said to us” now will come the most important thing, the meat,potatos and the zuchiniiiiiiii”. I was in shock, but to shy to say noooo I can’t i’m full…. So I ate…. I was feeling like a balooooon….. sooo what do u think???? The dinner was finished? NOOOO!!!!! The salad comes! And the desert……I left the house of Elio with 2 Killos more :J ! Also he think i’m to skinny and I must to eat more, maybe because of that the dinner was so consistent! haha. But what i want to say it’s that he treats us like we was his kids and i really appreciate this!

Why Volunteer? I think everybody must to do that, everybody should try to do this kind of work without expecting nothing. I m in Italy just from one month and I m still accommadating here, I m still meet new people, but it’s such an nice feeling when I see so many volunteers that work for AVIS and I know im one of them…..

Also I miss my country and my family! But the one that I miss more and more is my dog, my baby boy! I m so sad because I can’t explain him that I m here because I must to be here for me and to find myself in this year, I can’t tell him that I didn’t left him and that I will come back soon to play and cuddle and spoil togheter!

I let for you guys one photo with my baby boy, so now you can understand me better when I m saying why I miss him soooo much!


Diana Cristina


Hello, my name is Labes Diana Cristina,I am from Romania, I have 25 years and I am an volunteer on Avis Regionale Lombardia Italy.

Why Italy? Why Avis? Why volunteer? Waaaaaait, we will have time to talk about this! But first I need to tell you, from my family,  wich is formed by one DAD one MOM, 3 CHILDREN, 2 CATS and 2 DOGS, im the second one who made part of this program! My big sister Alexandra was involved in the same project in 2016, so now you can understand better why im here! Hope in the future also my little sister to have the same experience because with my hand on my heart I can tell you this will change all your life.

I share the apartment with an volunteer from Spain, Antonio Aracil Delgado, he is an nice boy, the same age like me! He is an great persone, he help me so much because he speak italian an I don’t! I just understand but not speaking, for the moment! Hope we will be very good friends and we will have great memories togheter on this year here, in Italy….and I m sure we will have…..

Why Italy? For me Italy is the most beautiful country that I ever visited, and believe me I visited a loooooot. For sure all the countries are beautiful and unique and fall in love with them but Italy has something that I can’t explain in words, everywhere where you go or where you look it’s something that make you say “ Che bellllllo”, I found so many types of arhitecthure so many museums, the history is everywhere! Now let’s go to the serious part….THE GORGEOUS FOOD OF ITALY wich for me it is fantastic, pizza, focaccia, mozzarela, parmesano, pastas, gelato and the list can continueeeee and my killos for sure!

Why Avis? I know about AVIS because of my sister, as I told you she was the firs member of our family who joined to this big family, and when I say family believe me its for real. When I must to choose an organization to do my volunteer work, for sure I wanted AVIS, and I did it, look at me now, im here, with them, with my family from Italy, with people with big hearts! In the office I meet Laura, wich is an amazing woman with an very strong character! Andrea, wich is the” man with the money”, or the accountant of the office, he help us very much, he is all the time with an smile on his face wich is great! Danila, my tutor, my friend, with her we work and we do a great team! I feel her very near to me, for that I assume to call her MY FRIEND! She is amazing and a very selective woman, just love it! Daniela, the secretary its that kind of woman with an beautiful voice and all the time she is speaking nice and she smile, she has an good energy and she just share it to us with an simple smile. I can’t forgive Luigi and Elio, for sure not! Luigi is an old man with an young heart, he was the one who help us when we moved to the new apartment, also he give us 3 paints for our new home! Grazie Luigi!!!!!!!!  Elio is the vice-president and I compare him with my father, full of energy, making jokes all the time and he just loves to eat!  He preperd for us the dinner in one Sunday! Well, I just must to say, I m little, 1,55 m and skinny,or for Elio SUPER SKINNY soooooo on one Sunday Elio invited at his home, we accepted, for sure… first Apperitivo, second soup ( for me was enough) , after soup, pastas,delicious pastas with tomatos from Elio garden. I was thinking was the last meal, because I was FULL. When we finished to eat the pastas, surprise, Elio said to us” now will come the most important thing, the meat,potatos and the zuchiniiiiiiii”. I was in shock, but to shy to say noooo I can’t i’m full…. So I ate…. I was feeling like a balooooon….. sooo what do u think???? The dinner was finished? NOOOO!!!!! The salad comes! And the desert……I left the house of Elio with 2 Killos more :J ! Also he think i’m to skinny and I must to eat more, maybe because of that the dinner was so consistent! haha. But what i want to say it’s that he treats us like we was his kids and i really appreciate this!

Why Volunteer? I think everybody must to do that, everybody should try to do this kind of work without expecting nothing. I m in Italy just from one month and I m still accommadating here, I m still meet new people, but it’s such an nice feeling when I see so many volunteers that work for AVIS and I know im one of them…..

Also I miss my country and my family! But the one that I miss more and more is my dog, my baby boy! I m so sad because I can’t explain him that I m here because I must to be here for me and to find myself in this year, I can’t tell him that I didn’t left him and that I will come back soon to play and cuddle and spoil togheter!

I let for you guys one photo with my baby boy, so now you can understand me better when I m saying why I miss him soooo much!


Diana Cristina
